Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One down....Two to go!

THE MEETING DATE IS SET.......SATURDAY, AUGUST 7, 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I've got the main speaker secured for our meeting. He is our local pediatric gastroenterologist here in the Quad Cities. WHOO HOOO! This is really starting to happen!

This afternoon, I e-mailed another pediatric GI doc from the University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. All my surgeries were done there, so I'm partial to that hospital. I'm hoping one of the peds GI team from UIHC will speak at our meeting.

From there, my plan is to contact a third speaker. I perceive this to be the most challenging to secure. I plan to invite someone from the research team at Johns Hopkins. ;-)

I'm also still making arrangements for somewhere for a casual "meet & greet" Friday night (Aug. 6th), as well as attempting to get a block of hotel rooms. I had to wait until I had a date set which I was waiting on the main speaker, Dr. Yaseen, to be available before I set up everything else.

When I figure it out, I'll post some sort of RSVP system. I would greatly appreciate RSVP's once I get that going.

I will continue to keep everyone posted! I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving! We all know how much we have to be thankful for! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I've used this site before for rsvp's events, you can also make the event no charge too:

    Good luck :)

    Janel B.
